Get Your Custom SECARS Hat!
SECARS members can obtain custom embroidered hats in a variety of color and quality. The placement of text information such as call sign and name is also specified by the member. New members are encouraged to see what other SECARS members are wearing on their custom hats before making their own decisions. J&D Embroidering is providing the hats for SECARS members.
- J&D Embroidering is located at 26 Bushnell Hollow Road, Baltic, CT. They are at the junction of Routes 138 and 97, next to the Baltic Firehouse. They are the business closest to the Firehouse.
- Their phone is (860) 822-9777. Email to Jdembroidering@gmail.com. Our contact person at J&D is Dakota.
- Their hours are Monday through Thursday 8:00 am to 4:00 pm, and Friday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. They are closed Saturday and Sunday. The sign outside the shop says “Closed Tuesdays”, but Dakota is usually there on Tuesdays.
- You qualify to have “Plank Owner” on your hat if you joined SECARS on or before June 16, 2022
- For additional hats, embroidering or whatever, please contact J&D Embroidering directly. You will find them to be friendly and accommodating.
The cost of your hat depends on how many “Text Locations” you will add to the basic hat. The basic hat includes embroidering the SECARS logo on the front of the hat with no additional Text Locations. At this time, the basic hat costs $23 plus tax. Each Text Location costs an additional $9.00.
The available Text Locations include name, call sign, and the words “Plank Owner.” If you choose one Text Location, the cost of your hat will be $32.00 plus $2.03 sales tax ($34.03). If you choose two Text Locations, your hat will cost $41.00 plus $2.60 tax ($43.60). If you choose three Text Locations (The K1EV option) your hat will cost $50.00 plus $3.18 tax ($53.18). J&D accepts standard forms of payment: credit and debit cards, cash or check.